viernes, 15 de febrero de 2013

Besthöven - A Bomb Raid Into Your Mind

Besthöven - A Bomb Raid Into Your Mind

    Track list:
  1. rest in silenc
  2. more victims of war
  3. multidoes envelhecidas
  4. silencio macrabro
  5. vale das sombras, vale da morte
  6. frio sinistro
  7. death in my eyer
  8. war games
  9. hellblaze
  10. when fall bombs again
  11. a look at today
  12. rain of death
  13. die suffering
  14. projetos atomicos
  15. na camara de gas
  16. tod langsang (a.r.d.)
  17. a way to the total end
  18. life in hell
  19. the wife of dead
  20. crow(crow)
  21. fear of the war (disclose)
  22. dont waste your time (result)
  23. why? (c.f.d.l)
  24. we shouldnt go long anymore (batle of disarm9
  25. not what you said (disprove)
  26. midnight and ten
  27. the wife of dead- 2nd take

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